Wednesday the 23rd of March

Opening Monologue: Easy day at work when you’re a lazy sleuth. Triston’s son spotted a donut store. Outside of the store Triston sees a former friend. He said that Triston only had one day left, and should get away. Triston didn’t believe him, and when he left his apartment the next morning, he forgot all about his life. Knives erased his memory, and has been keeping an eye on Triston ever since. Now that Triston has a gun, Knives is now watching him to make sure he doesn’t get in the way.


Entering the door, the 86ers see Richard smash his sword into Mira. Triston shoots at Richard, right in the chest. As he falls, everything slows down and everyone passes out.

Peya wakes up and calls Mira, Bianca picks up the phone and she is just in tears. “She’s dead, weren’t you there? There were two dead bodies. The funeral is going to be this Saturday.” Bianca and Alicia aren’t sure what they’re going to do now. Peya gets it set up for Bianca and Alicia to hang out at her place.

Lee found the djinn Ember, but they don’t remember what happened after Richard killed Mira. Everyone heads over to the Rook and Pawn. Sean is hanging out across the street. There are burn marks around his eyes.

Questioning Sean the 86ers learn that the Gatekeeprs took them all home last night. Gatekeepers ensure that balance is maintained throughout the mist. They don’t work against you, just make sure things stay in balance. There is a possibility that the excision could have just been performed by gatekeepers.

Sean met a gatekeeper and lost his sight from that fight. He fought them because they tried to erase someone important to him. And he was able to make sure she is still around.

During that discussion Detective Perry walks in and introduces himself. We hear cars skid down the road getting closer. We see a white sports car heading towards the Rook and Pawn. Lee tries to strengthen the crash guards. The car crashes and we see a black SUV speed past.

Perry gets to the car and finds a younger woman in her 20’s blonde hair, blue eyes. “Flynn don’t trust them.” And she hands him an envelope. 911 doesn’t get there in time and she dies. Dante attempts to speak with the dead girl and asks, “who ran you off the road?” “My employee did. The Cyrus security company. Somebody is coming.” Dante takes necrotic damage from the spirit but learns that her name is Lisa Paige. He pockets her security badge for Cyrus Security.

In the envelope, Perry finds a picture of a man, it doesn’t ring a bell, but on it is written, “He is still alive.” Perry shows the picture to the rest of the group, and it is a picture of Anton Levron.

Police come and ask some simple questions. Triston asks them to tell Detective Pierce that we had nothing to do with it. Detective Pierce might call him “Trash-can”.

The group decides to go back to the crypts to see what they can learn. Under the cover of darkness, they discover that there are four people guarding the crypt. The guards are wearing red letterman jackets with red baseball caps with crowns on them. Perry and Peya guide the group around the Queen’s Guard.

Inside the crypts the 86ers discover that the area has been boarded up, but they work their way through and find a latina, along with three Queen’s Guards. Dante asks “What are you doing here?” while Perry gets past them with his search warrant.

The latina is Reina Roja, the other candidate running for mayor. She is finding evidence about the current mayor who made a lot of deals down here. She’s just looking for a keepsake that used to be hers.

Dante asks if Cyrus security works for the mayor. “Everyone knows that Cyrus security has done this” and she is now a little hostile. The back door slams closed and something rushes towards Dante. Dante prepares to protect himself and shoves what is coming towards him toward the wall. It happens to be Mira who has been trapped in the crypts after waking up after dying the other day. Reina knows about Richard Jones.

Geeking Out

Peya: meaningful interaction with Mira and taking care of Bianca and Alicia Dante: Help for Perry when the warrant was used Triston: We have a clear goal now with Cyrus Security (crew has grown) Flynn/Mira: Everyone came together to learn more about Mira’s death Lee: meaningful interaction with Mira

End Credits We see Richard walking out of the Crypts while it was still light out, he slowly goes to his Harley and pulls out a mirror and sees a reflection of himself.

Recap from last session

Tuesday the 22nd of March

Opening Monologue: After finishing up a long shift at Ardeal Court, Mira leaves the hospital. She can’t get the golem fight out of her head and sees her dead husband Solomon in every reflection and shadow. She cries at the park feeling like she’s let Solomon down by being a hypocrite living her double life as a doctor and a vampire. Afterwards she heads back home, hoping to find Bianca and Alicia there after whatever party they must’ve been out at.


In the morning after the stakeout, the 86ers get back together and Lee asks who owns this building, and the guard Kristopher shuts him down. The building is owned by the Cyrus Corporation and is private property. Triston talks to Sean the blind assassin. “I’m blind, not dumb”, he was watching Triston and Peya during their stakeout. He lets them know that the mine is called the Crypts. A man in a white trench coat goes into the Crypts. Dante follows him. Lee uses earth magic to find the entrance. Lee is pretty sure that there are 2 sets of footprints and something that was dragged through.

Down the stairs and into a large room we find the man in a white trench coat looking up at Kristopher who is hanging from the ceiling by a noose. He says, “You guys are early”. As he turns around we see a pistol on his hip, and Triston recognizes him. He says, “Joshua would appreciate that”. We hear a scream from one of the doors leading out of the room. Peya and Mira go towards the scream and after they pass the door, the white trench coat man shoots the door closed. “My birthday is today and I wanted a present.” It also happens to be Triston’s birthday (March 22nd 1983).

Kristopher struggles in his noose, and Dante tries to cut him down, but Kristopher appears to not be able to die. Lee tries to attack trench coat (Knives), Triston shoots the gun out of his hand. Knives pulls out a second gun and shoots Kristopher in the head.

Dante summons a green dinosaur and the dinosaur bites off Knives left arm and he drops the six-shooter. Knives pulls his main gun back into his hand. Lee tries to help Kristopher by raising up the marble but it doesn’t work. Knives shoots at Lee but he dodges it. Triston rushes to catch the bullet and falls into the pit Lee made. Dante cuts down Kristopher, but in the commotion Knives appears to have vanished.

Mira and Peya rush down the hallway and come into a room that appears to have religious significance. The vampire hooligans had been in this room, but they’ve all been killed.

Richard Sephiroth Jones stands behind a bound Bianca and Alisha. He threatens everyone and Mira attempts to hit Richard and hits him good and sets herself up to protect Bianca and Alicia. Peya confuses Richard as to where the girls are. He pulls out his sword and starts chanting something that sounds familiar and starts glowing. Mira attempts to siphon off his power as Mira gets a sword to the face and she crumples.

End Credits Camera switches to Mira’s POV as her vision starts to fade to black.

Knives is missing his left hand, and his missing hand still has the six shooter in it. Next to Knives was a girl with a fake eye. “That was a close one, I was almost unable to save you.”